Saturday, September 20, 2008

More to come...

I'm working on a few more projects now that I'll post up as soon as I finalize them. I'll also add a few more that I didn't get a chance to.


This is currently going to be used as my self promotional design.

I designed icons for words that didn't have icons associated with them.

Implode, Levitate, Theorize, Enlarge

Then I created postcards to advertise them.

I also made an animation in Flash for my "Enlarge" icon. Here's the storyboard for it.

Then I made booklets to describe and illustrate them.


This is an icon for the word "Eclectic"

The Border Project

This was a project designed to address the issue of immigrants crossing the border. We each took three stances: FOR, NEUTRAL, and AGAINST.

Then we created teaser posters for each.





After the posters, we created a DVD cover for them.

First opening

DVD's inside

Corporate Identity

These are logos I've done for various companies.

Advanced Kingdom Media

Center for Advanced Learning

Envision Printing LLC.

J. Nissi Fashion

Cologne Design

This is a design I did for my own cologne called Dark Ruler.

Poster Design

This is a poster I did for a Romeo & Juliet play in Metro Atlanta.

Identity Logos

These are my Identity Logo Designs.

My corporate logo.

My design logo.

My illustrative logo.